Super Watchdog Interrupt


have done repower below is command line errors

pi@Rpi-5:~ $ wdt -h
wdt: Usage: wdt -h/-help <command>
wdt -warranty
wdt -r/-reload
wdt -d/-default <value>
wdt -p/-period <value>
wdt -off/-offinterval <value>
wdt -g/-get <option>
wdt -c/-clear
wdt -v/-version
wdt -rob/-repoweronbattery
wdt -pbe/-powerbuttonenable
wdt -rtc <mon> <day> <year> <hour> <min> <sec>
wdt -bint <0/1>
wdt -bc/-blockharge <0/1>Type wdt -h <command> for more help
pi@Rpi-5:~ $ wdt -p 0
Fail to select mem add
pi@Rpi-5:~ $ wdt -h -g
-g/-get: Get watchdog parameters
Usage: wdt -g <option>
<option>: d/default = default period(sec)
p/period = period(sec)
r/resets = total number of resets performed
v/vin = input voltage(mV)
off/offinterval = how mutch wdt keep raspberry powered off (sec)
vr/vrasp = Raspberry voltage(mV)
vb/vbat = Battery voltage(mV)
c/charge = charge status (0 - off, 1 - charge complete, 2 - charging, 3 - fault)
rob/repoweronbattery = if the watchdog power off the Raspberry, will repower on battery only if this is 1
pbe/powerbuttonenable = power button enabled/disabled (1/0)
pbs/powerbuttonstatus = 1 - power button has been pushed; 0 - not
bint = power button interrupt generation enabled/disabled (1/0)
rtc (return RTC "mm:dd:yyyy hh:mm:ss"
t/temp = cpu temperature(degC)
fv = firmware version
Example: wdt -g d get the wdt default period
pi@Rpi-5:~ $ wdt -g fv
Fail to read reg
pi@Rpi-5:~ $


Staff member
if this is the case I rolled back the firmware, do a firmware update again, and let me know so I can put back the 4.1 for the people that use the RTC. I will figure out what is happening later.


Programming the board...100% Done
pi@Rpi-5:~/wdt-rpi/update $ wdt -g fv
pi@Rpi-5:~/wdt-rpi/update $

Python script works great
Yea this works

Have fun trying to sort out

Thank you for all the help let me know when you want me to try & break it again


Staff member
Hi Tony,

I take a look at the LCD interrupt and it looks just fine. If any of the buttons are pressed the interrupt is asserted (the pin goes low) and if you read the interrupt (smlcd swird) the pin goes high.
I am sorry, you may told me earlier, but I do not remember what is the problem you faced with the interrupt.


Giday Alex
If my memory serves me I think the problem was that an interrupt from the smlcd Buttons & or the Rotary encoder was not being released when read from python smlcd.get_all_buttons_int() & smlcd.get_encoder_int()

I cant do anything to test the SMLCD until tomorrow. I will remove it from production & test on bench with oscilloscope & get back to you with findings



Giday Alex
Sorry for delay in getting back to U
I have done some very exhaustive testing in Python of interrupts on V9 Watchdog Card & SMLCD Card.
Findings are
0) Enabling Interrupts & Disabling Interrupts from Python for Watchdog card works as expected
1) V9 Watchdog card by itself Generates a low going pulse when card push button is operated & operates as expected
2) Enabling or disabling Interrupts from python is not possible as there does not appear to be any routines to do so or from command line either
3) SMLCD card by itself Generates a low going pulse when either Rotary encoder is rotated or buttons under the display are operated. The Interrupts work as expected
4) The problem arises when you have both cards on the RPi . The Watchdog when operating the button on the side of the card generates a low going pulse however it never reaches 0V & only drops to approx 1/2 of Rail voltage & never generates an interrupt. But the SMLCD operating the Encoder or any push buttons on the card generates a clean negative pulse & works as expected.
5) i have come to the conclusion that my V9 Watchdog may be faulty & may be the issue when i tried to upgrade the firmware to V4.1 because during testing several times after repowering the watchdog card seemed to boot up & came back from command line commands with errors like in earlier posts.
6) Have U been able to duplicate the problem i have when upgrading the V9 Watchdog to V4.1
7) it would be great if you could look into the interrupt problem when the 2 cards are working with each other
8) When or if you are updating the SMLCD firmware or Drives would it be possible to include routines from command line & via Python to enable & disable interrupt functions from python similar to what's in V9 Watchdog
9) How do i go about replacing the V9 Watchdog card & sending back to you for post-mortem examination

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
As always love your cards your work & the service that you & your company offer
I await your earlies reply
Regards Tony


Staff member
Hi Tony,

Thanks for the report.
I know the SMLC cannot disable the interrupt and I need to release new firmware and drivers for that.
Watchdog being unable to drive the interrupt pin while SMLCD is connected, that's new.
I was unable to reproduce your behavior with the new firmware on watchdog.
I hope to start working on this by the end of this week or the beginning of the next one and keep you posted.
