Open PLC physical addressing with raspberry pi 5 and Sequent Industrial Hat


New member
Hi there,

I have trialled a simple pushbutton ladder logic script through openPLC editor from a suggested example, but I get stuck when it comes to physical addressing. On the open PLC website it does not specifically say Sequent addressing but I assume it is the stand %XI0.0 for digital inputs, %QX0.0 for digital outputs, %IW0.0 for analogue in and %QW0.0 for analogue out.


When I run the program through openPLC runtime, it all compiles fine and starts the PLC but doesn't show my LED lighting up the values changing in the monitor window. I have selected the Sequent hat as hardware.

Using Megaind I have been able to successfully test all the functions I want to use.


Staff member

I think you are on a little wrong path here. You need to place the Industrial module then connect these contacts and relays to his inputs and outputs. The Industrial module is not in your PLC program if you do not place an instance of it here in the editor.
The industrial module is not connected on any of the hardware addresses you mention if you did not connect it explicitly. Attached is a project that you can use as a reference.


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New member
Ahh ok so I need to pull in this block each time a make a script to define I/O's?

Would I need to copy this block into each script or is it available for entry from a library through the editor?
Hi Alex, same person different account.
I was able to get this running, there were a lot of issues installing with libraries and what not that was block by third party firewalls. Works fine on my new PC and I have been able to import the block in based off that example file you share for the home industrial hat.