Home Automation v3 - Command to see if Board is powered


New member

I'm using the board via Node-Red and have a Node-red dashboard that shows status of various devices and has controls. I can control the board relays via node-red no worries. But I went through a period where I didn't realise the board was no longer powered. Is there a command I can use to poll the board to see if it is powered?



Staff member

The card is connected to the raspberry gpio header, if the card is not powered also raspberry is not powered so what use for a command?
Or i did not understand the question.


New member

That's a good point. The card was powered but not working. I had swapped RPi SD cards and the replacement did not have ioplus-rpi loaded. As I work remotely, I didn't notice until I realized one of my infrequently used nodes was not working. Easy to investigate and fix. So maybe a better question is something along the lines of, "Is there a way to poll the board to ensure its working as expected?"


Staff member
No mater if you use native nodes or exec node calling the ioplus command you can capture the error. I am not an Node-RED expert but I can search for a way to do that if you need.


New member
Hi Alex (?)

That's it. I can use the exec node ioplus -list (it has a short response) and extract the Id: 0 or look for board detected.



New member
Hi Alex

I'm putting results here fro benefit of anyone else looking for a solution in the future.
As I developed/tested my code, I found that the consistent item to search for was the word "Failed" that occurs in "Failed to open..." the response to the ioplus -list command that occurs when the board is not enabled (and I assume powered). I "turned"the board on/off by enabling/disabling the i2C interface in the RPI configuration tool.
