Home Automation board crashes while running io test


New member
Hello everyone,

I'm testing with my newly acquired Home Automation v4 board.
Unfortunately I run into some problems during the io tests, see screenshots below.

iotest 1.png
iotest 2.png
iotest 3.png

As you can see, there is a problem with relay 6 (i don't hear it clicking when i activate it with
ioplus 0 relwr 6 on
However, the biggest problem is iotest 1, this fails completly and my raspberry pi reboots at this point. I am clueless about the cause of this problem. Wiring seems okay, as it runs fine for the other iotests?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks



Staff member

The card you have is the newest version which GPIO's has been replaced by the one wire bus and RS485.
The GPIO test does not working anymore and the relay-opto test will pass if you unplug the connector from the rs485-one wire bus connector.
Sorry for the inconvenience but since you can use almost any of the Raspberry GPIO's having more on the card is useless and we do something more useful with the connector.


New member
Thank you for your reply. Tested again and now it works fine.
Maybe it's worth to update the documentation of the board?

iotest 1b.png


New member

The card you have is the newest version which GPIO's has been replaced by the one wire bus and RS485.
The GPIO test does not working anymore and the relay-opto test will pass if you unplug the connector from the rs485-one wire bus connector.
Sorry for the inconvenience but since you can use almost any of the Raspberry GPIO's having more on the card is useless and we do something more useful with the connector.
Hello, could you kindly explain how use 1-wire bus? Thanks


Staff member

The one wire bus is used for many applications but in our case we use it to read the DS18B20 temperature sensor.
You can connect multiple sensors on the same port and the card will detect it and read each sensor.
The sensor has 3 wires, power, GND and data which must be connect to the corresponded pins of the card.


New member
yes I plugged in a ds18b20 sensor (I'm sure that it works because I used it on raspberry pico).
I write this simple code:


and this is the output


thanks for the the help.


New member
Another question: with the 1-wire bus managed by your board, what is the thoretical maximum distance at which the probes can be read without errors? I mean, usually if you plug a ds18b20 probe directly to raspberry you can read it at max 3-5 meters. If you use a good twisted and shield cable, maybe more. Thanks


Staff member
Unfortunately I can not answer this question but I am sure better than with Raspberry because we use transistors to drive the line from 5V.