"Error: , Remote I/O error with SmartFan


I have been able to get the SmartFan to run with the command line. I would like it to run through Node-Red and vary the speed depending on the temperature. I have a numerical value going through a change block to the SmartFan. I am getting an "Error: , Remote I/O error" message.

No other messages or warning flags on the blocks. ( I have just started to learn Node-Red)

I have board stack level at 0 which it is plugged in right above the RPI, with a relay and IO card stacked on top of it. I have closed the CMD window that I was running it in, and restarted node-red and the error still pops up when it gets the numerical temp value every minute.

Is there a output block on the Smart Fan block that needs to be be used ?

Is Payload supposed to be configured to msg.payload ?


Staff member

The smartfan node accepts numerical value only in range 0 to 100 representing the power for the fan.
You inject a text value representing a temperature but you need to create a loop that set the fan power based on the temperature.


Staff member
Let me know the results, you can always use exec node running the command line (fan) but hope there will be no need to do that. Yes, I sleep more than I wish...


I tried to just force a numerical value to it with an Inject block and number for the output which sends it every 10 seconds. Still getting the IO error.
In the readme it states I can have it set 0-100%, I thought it would just need the straight 0-100 number value
weird I can run it all from CMD, but I get the IO error in node-red.

I am going to work on the PID loop for it which is pretty overkill, I need to figure it out anyway.

Thanks again for the help!



Staff member
The fan node uses two hardware resources from pi, I2C, and GPIO, one of these can throw that error. Please install the GPIO node and test if you get the same error from it.
One more Ideea is to check if the GPIO remote access is enabled (please disable it because sometimes prevents local access to the GPIO).


I got GPIO node installed and it is still an issue. I am tired and brain is overflowing.


in Raspi-Config
I have
SSH off
RPi connect ON
Serial ON
1 wire OFF
Remote IO OFF


I did realize I did not have the boards addressed correctly this morning and have corrected that. Running i2cdetect -y 1 I show 3 i2c devices

I think I have a different problem holding me up. With 5vdc powering the two Sequent boards I can not get the RPI to boot up. Press the button, it turns green for a moment then back to red. If I remove the 5VDC from the Sequent boards and only power from USB-C I can get it to boot up, then I get a message that power is not sufficient and peripherals will be restricted. This appears to be part of the issue.

Powered from the 5VDC or the USB-C I get the pwr lights on the Sequent boards flashing about once a second. I have a green light on the fan board also.

Any words of wisdom? Thank you !


Staff member

The problem seems to be the maximum current for your power supply. If I understand correctly you have two of them, one with a USB connector and one with a plug. I assume both are switching power supplies (wall adaptors) then you can use both of them at the same time. It will balance the current consumption between them and the voltage drop will be less.


The USB C is a dell 65w power supply which should be more than enough power, unless it is staying in some low power mode. The second power supply is a HP benchtop power supply. If they are both energized the RPI will not boot up. The indicator light will momentarily go green and then right back to red. It does the same if I am just powering everything through the Sequent cards. I am going to look in the shop for another power supply. Maybe it just does not like this dell one, or my benchtop. I do not have one of the offical RPI power supplies.


It appears that it is browning out when I am powered through the Sequent cards with the benchtop power supply. At standby its pulling 0.06 amps and startup I see it peak to a little over an amp when the startup screen comes on then the RPI crashes and current returns to standby level. I am going to hunt for a different power supply. I think I have an extra ATX power supply out there I can try for now.


Staff member
Please use the provided standoffs to secure the cards to Raspberry. You might have poor contact on the 40-pin header.
Try to switch the order of the cards.


The standoffs were installed before I powered up for the first time. I'll check the headers again. With it powered up off the ATX power supply feeding the sequent cards it would boot and run, but give me constant under voltage warnings. There has to be a connection that is not happy.


I can try that with the bench power supply the ATX is not adjustable. Out of a fit of frustration I ordered the official RPI 5 power supply. It will be here Monday. I'm going to double check the headers in the morning, and try to re arrange. Maybe there is a cracked solder or not soldered header.