Analog reading


New member
new to this forum, and have a very basic question.
I have received to HATs for Rpi, the
Four Relays Four Inputs 8-layer Hat and the
Eight Universal Inputs Hat.
I need them to read analog DC input voltages, but can not get it working using Node-Red and the nodes installed.
it only detect 0 or 1. and I am suspecting that it only detects High or Low state.
If I am on the wrong path here, which card do I need to read 0-15vdc ?



Staff member
The Four Relays Four Inputs card did not have analog inputs but only digital ones as You can read in his description.
Depending on the voltage or current range you wish to measure you can choose one of the Industrial, Building or Home automation cards.


New member
ok, found misleading info, and the board itself says 3-24v and 48-240v, but thats then just what is considered as High or "1" I understand.
I see many cards are "Sold out" but still in production? need card with 0-24vdc analog inputs.


Staff member
All our cards are still in production we had some unexpected orders but we restock soon.
Maximum analog voltage that you can measure with our cards is 10V ( to accommodate the industry standard 0-10V signal). You can use a resistive divider or if you plan to use many, we can make you a custom card.