Sixteen Analog/Digital Inputs HAT


New member
I am new here, so please be patient with me.
I just had my first 16 Analog/Digital Inputs 8-Layer Stackable HAT.
I use now Raspberry 3+. Raspberry Pi OS is updated, I2C interface is enabled and the HAT is installed with external 5 VDC power supply. Power led is blinking.
I have followed User manual instructions to install needed software.
spi3-lite:~/16univin-rpi $ 16univin -v
16univin v1.0.0 ...
spi3-lite:~/16univin-rpi $ git pull
Already up to date.

Is this your latest sw version?

When trying to connect the HAT, it can not be detected.
pi3-lite:~/16univin-rpi $ 16univin 0 board
Fail to select mem add!
16 Universal Inputs id 0 not detected

pi3-lite:~/16univin-rpi $ 16univin 0 cfg485rd
Fail to select mem add!
16 Universal Inputs id 0 not detected

I have tested id 0,1 and 2

Is there something I need to know to get started or is this one broken equipment ?


Staff member
Yes, 1.0.0 is the latest version of the command.
Please make sure you use the provided standoffs to attach the card to the raspberry.
Open a terminal and run "i2cdetect -y 1" and share the output.
