Arduino library for 16 SSR hat?


New member
I recently purchased the arduino to pi adapter board and a pair of 16 channel solid state relay boards. In github I see a library for the 8 relay board, but nothing for the 16 relay board.

Is there a library available for this? Or failing that can I manage things directly via some other method? What is the methodology to toggle the relays? Is it I2C or RS485?

Are there any examples of this anywhere someone can point me to?



Staff member
You are correct, there is no Arduino library for 16_relays or 16_solid-state_relays but we will make one tomorrow.
The card is accessible on both I2C and RS485, and I can give you more information if you need it now.



New member
I can wait for the library, it's not THAT urgent. Thank you for the fast turnaround!

On a different note - do you have any suggestions/gotchas when running inductive loads off the SSR boards? I need to control ~30 electromagnets and I know inductive loads can be "weird" with relays sometimes. They're fairly small (12v, 0.25A) and it's unlikely all would be powered for extended periods, but there will be times that 20ish will need to be switched on all at the same time (for about 8-10s) though that's a rare worst case, but regardless the average is likely to be around 10-15 for that same 8-10s period.

Any guidance for that? Also does it matter which side the load goes on? Specifically for the magnets - should I put them inline with the "hot" side or the ground? And is it ok to "bus" the hots/grounds (depending) to simplify things a bit as far as wiring - I guess I am just worried about the shared common for each set of relays. An example schematic on the website or in the downloads for the board(s) would be really helpful! Apologies if these are dumb questions, I am a bit new to using SSRs and every traditional relay I've used didn't share any connections.

Thank you!


Staff member
Sorry for the late reply, the problem with inductive loads is that generate parasitic voltages when you turn them on and especially off it actually does not matter how long they stay on. I will recommend an "anti-parallel" shotky diode on the load. Another good protection is a TVS diode which has a breakdown voltage less than the maximum voltage of the relay but bigger than the voltage of the load.
Here is the datasheet of the solid-state relay on the card so you can check the ratings and card schematics


  • semi_eng_gu1a_aqy21_gs.pdf
    520.4 KB · Views: 3
  • 16-SSRELAYS-IND-V1_0.pdf
    518.6 KB · Views: 3


Staff member

The library has been created and submitted to the Arduino library index, "The library(s) will be available for installation via Library Manager within a day's time." is the message received.
If you are in a hurry you can install it manually, instructions are in the repo.



New member

The library has been created and submitted to the Arduino library index, "The library(s) will be available for installation via Library Manager within a day's time." is the message received.
If you are in a hurry you can install it manually, instructions are in the repo.

Thank you so much! The hats are arriving today so the timing is perfect