8 thermocouple / Pi5 power supply and home assistant integration


New member
Newbie here. Building a home assistant system using a Pi5 and Sequent 8ch thermocouple DAQ / HAT. Is is mandatory to use the 5V block on the HAT to power both the HAT and the Pi? Or do you only need it for the watchdog? Currently using a pi5 usb c charger for the Pi.

And i'm not sure on how to get the sensor data in home assistant. Some tips/ pointers are very welcome!


Staff member
Powering through USB-C connected to Raspberry is ok if you don't need the watchdog feature of the card.
We do not have Home assistant integration for the Thermocouple card but we are working on it. I will let you know when it is done.


New member
Powering through USB-C connected to Raspberry is ok if you don't need the watchdog feature of the card.
We do not have Home assistant integration for the Thermocouple card but we are working on it. I will let you know when it is done.
That's a quick reply. Thank you for clearing that up about the psu

About home assistant integration: good that you're working on it. Any indication of when it will be available? In the meanwhile: is there any workaround, like writing to a csv and import that periodically in haos?


Staff member
The integration will be available in a few days but I will ask the development team for an update on Monday.
I don't know any workaround, sorry, but if you can run command line you can save it in a CSV file but I don't know how to link this with the HAS.


New member

The Home Assistant integration for the 8-channel thermocouple HAT is now implemented and available at https://github.com/SequentMicrosystems/SMtc-ha.
This integration includes:
  • Select entities: Easy selection of all supported sensor types.
  • Sensor entities: Temperature readings for each channel.
Good luck with your project, and I hope everything works smoothly for you!



New member
Great news. I've installed all the software and the sensors are showing up in the overview. To test, I've connected one type K sensor to ch1. However, the other channels are showing temperatures as well. Is this normal? Is this the reference temperature?

I tested in hot and cold water and ambient room temperature. It appears to be showing high. Is there a way to calibrate the sensors?Screenshot 2024-12-22 162524.png


Staff member

The card shows you the temperature of the connector when no sensor is connected. When designing the card we considered a circuit to detect the sensor disconnected event but that introduced some errors in the measurement and we dropped the idea. Calibration is not yet available but that will not calibrate your sensor but the voltage you measure. Until calibration is available make sure that the thermocouple is connected directly to the card, no intermediate connection between the card and the thermocouple is used.