16pt LV input card to Raspberry pi over RS485


Staff member
You are right, the RS485 is better, was designed depending on the baud rate you select, to work up to 1 km.
The new 16-LV-Inputs have Modbus RTU over RS485. Depending on the voltage and current you need to switch there are few options regarding relays HAT with Modbus support: 16-Relays (24V @ 2A), 3-Relays (240V @ 40A), 4-relays-4-inputs (240V @ 8A).


Are the input cards v3 available for order immediately?!!!

Relay-wise I'll be switching 24 Vdc. I won't be needing the output cards for a few months


Staff member
Yes, the 16-LV-Inputs V3 is available, I do not know if there are cards from the previous version in stock but if you submit an order let me know and I will make sure you will receive the V3.
If you switch 24V, and you don't need more than 2A, 16-relays is a good fit.