16 Opto-Isolated Inputs Hat


New member
I purchased a couple of 16 Opto-Isolated Inputs Hat v1.0 boards a year ago and finally getting around to using them. I'm hoping to connect my wired door/window contact sensors in my house to the boards and monitor them using Home Assistant.

I installed the HAOS on a Raspberry Pi 3 and followed these instructions https://github.com/SequentMicrosystems/SMmultiio-ha and got as far as the configuration.yaml section.

Now what? I can't find any further documentation on how to configure the yaml file or how to set up HA to display the status of each input. Any help would be appreciated.


New member
It works!!! This is first time I've played with Home Assistant and it immediately discovered all the inputs.

Can you recommend a blog post or best practices for connecting door/window sensors in a house? Are pull up resistors required and if so what value is optimal? Use separate power supply and at what voltage? Use AC to limit galvanic corrosion? Logically its simple, but I suspect there are real world issues dealing with very long wires connected to many sensors strung throughout a building.


Staff member
I am glad you made it work. I do not know a tutorial for connecting doors/windows but since there are opto inputs, you have to provide power, even if is a different (better) or the same as the one that powers the card. As you can see from the provided schematics, there are 2.2K resistors in series with the optocoupler LED and a reverse protection diode so you can apply the specified AC or DC voltage directly to the input port. One more thing to consider is that two inputs share the same negative terminal (LED cathode).