16 LV input card v3.0 connected via RS485 Modbus


Hey. I did some more learning. I have it reading all 16 inputs.

YOU ARE AN AMAZING RESOURSE !!! Thank you for all you've done. The LED indicators also are in the correct order. Simply amazing. The inputs are being read in two separate 8 bit reads


Staff member
I am glad is working. Thank you for helping us improve our products.
The firmware is not ready yet, I plan to introduce event counters, PWM, and frequency measurements, also encoder inputs, but it will take some time to finish it.
Don't forget to send us the picture of the defective Two Serial HAT and his order number. I could ask for a replacement if you did not use it outside the specifications.


I did send you photos via email. the order number is SH 6823. I assure you the only thing I tried to do with it was to make it work. Honestly, it will cost more to ship things back and forth than I paid for it - the value of the service you provided was worth plenty more than its cost. I’d be fine if we called it even.

Side note: I will be assembling a list of the other cards I’m going to need for my next project. Here is the $64,000 question. I have some v1.0 input cards will I be able to use them connected directly to the pi unit using I2C and communicate over Modbus in the same control project with other IO cards


Staff member
Thanks for considering this "even", I am not arguing this :)
Yes, if you connect the V1 to the Raspberry over I2C then you could use the RS485 transceiver on the card connected to the Raspberry serial port. I did not know exactly how but I am sure you can convince the pi to act as Modbus Slave with the right library.


OK. Success! Im starting to get the hang of how you layout your config modules and git updates. I mounted a 16 LV input card v1.0 address I2C 1, then an 8 relay output card v5.3 on address I2C 2 connected to a raspberry pi unit rev 4b to the 2x20 DIPs. I then setup a 16 LV input card v3.0 connected to RS485 Modbus address 0 and it worked very nicely. If I am not mistaken I think I even had it working with my input card v3.0 on Modbus also with address 1 (same as the I2C input card)


If I am not mistaken I think I even had it working with my input card v3.0 on Modbus also with address 1 (same as the I2C input card). I was mistaken


If I had unique stack addresses it worked. Earlier in the day I had very simple logic to verify comms. I didn’t get an error so I assumed that it worked. I later with a program that read inputs and drove outputs it didn’t behave correctly. But yes, I2C and Modbus worked together in the same program